CORE Pilates and Health
With Betsy Hunter Hughes
Turn Back Time Using Nutrition, Exercise and Holistic Enthusiasm
Betsy Hunter Hughes is a Holistic Nutritionist with a Masters Degree in Integrative Nutrition and 16 years of experience as a Pilates instructor. Her mindful approach to well-being empowers and educates clients. Partner with Betsy today to take control of your health, and have fun doing it!

The exercises designed by Joseph Pilates, and personalized by Betsy, grow strength and stability

Betsy practices an anti-inflammatory and holistic approach to nutrition, with a global consciousness

About Betsy
A lifetime of experience culminating in a Masters Degree from The Maryland University of Integrative Health

About Betsy
Growing up on the gulf coast of Alabama, the days were long and warm. I began my fitness training at the age of 4 with dancing and competitive swimming. I was an active child (no choice as a child of an ex-NFL quarterback), but my nutrition choices were less than ideal. This created many health issues through my teens and twenties. Back to that in a moment. Eventually, I went to University of Alabama on dance scholarship and graduated with theater & dance degrees. After discovering Pilates at the age of 25 in Atlanta, I had found the missing link in my body and regimen. By this time, I was already growing a personal training business. I changed paths and chose to become comprehensively certified in classical Pilates. I committed myself 100% to the method. It changed my body completely. I went from 19% to 15% body fat. My muscles lengthened, my posture improved, and my approach to movement was forever changed (for the better).
It has been 18 years since that first Pilates class.
My body was strong but I still struggled with my health. I didn’t know how to eat correctly. After 10 weeks of bed rest and much sickness while pregnant with my twin boys, I had a premature labor to underweight babies. As they grew, we got every virus under the sun... missed work, school, and fun. I wanted to improve our quality of life and ensure our future health was secured. I began studying nutrition. As I applied what I was learning in the form of a more complete and varied diet made up of anti-inflammatory foods, eliminating trigger foods such as refined grains and sugar, our health improved. Our lives began to shift. Soon sicknesses were not as frequent or as intense. For the last 10 years, we have turned to healing plant foods, humanely raised animal sources, wild game and fish, and super foods packed with antioxidants to create a healthy environment within our bodies. I am now a certified integrative nutritionist with a masters in nutrition. It is such an important component in longevity, anti-aging and health. I love to combine the two in my client’s experience.